ActionAid, Fair Jewelry.Org And The Radical Center
I live in the American Southwest, and we have an environmental movement out here which I am part of: it is called the “Radical Center.” Basically, this movement is comprised of conservative Republican ranches and left wing green environmentalists who work together toward sustainability in our fragile environment.
I consider the work of this blog also an attempt to reach the “Radical Center.” I would also argue that the Madison Dialogue, which is a cross sector initiative, is also striving to find ground in that Radical Center.
I generally view critiques from NGOs on the jewelry sector as beneficial. However, people in the jewelry sector often complain of NGOs taking potshots. It is easy and often lucrative for NGOs to attack industries. Sometimes it is necessary and constructive and at other times, it is just a means of raising money.
ActionAid posted very serious accusations against Anglo Platinum. Anglo issued a rebuttal. A reader of my blog also posted a response to ActionAid’s accusations.
ActionAid’s South Africa media liaison, Shanaaz Nel, initially promised a response to my question, but in the email I post below, she claim her media team was too busy with “media requests” to respond to my emails.
I personally do not have a fixed position in regard to what is taking place in platinum mining in South Africa. Without question there is truth on all sides. The radical center is a grass roots movement. It involves dialog and people on the ground trying to find commonality and solutions.
No one in the jewelry sector has ever turned me down for an interview request. ActionAid’s unwillingness to respond to, if nothing else, illustrates a level of arrogance that is disturbing.
“Dear Shanaaz,
I am still hoping to hear back to you.
One person levied a rather heavy critique of your organization on my
I believe you wrote back to me and said you would comment.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you–
Best wishes,
Dear Marc
Your request was passed along to the Country of our South African
programme, she will not be able to comment on the blog as posted.
I am sorry for the dealy (sic) in reply as I passed it along to our media team who has been very busy replying to media requests.
Shanaaz Nel”