The Working Groups of the Madison Dialogue
One of the most important outcomes of the Madison Dialogue is the working groups, each assigned to focus on developing standards for particular area within the jewelry sector.
These working groups are just getting started. If you wish to participate actively or to receive information, you are welcome to join any of the groups. Email contact information is below.
This following information comes from Steve D’Esposito, Executive Director of Earthworks, one of the founders of the Madison Dialogue.
“What we did today was assign a person to organize the first conference call meeting of each working group. They are also tasked with drafting working group objectives and a list of issues to be discussed. Once the first working group call takes place, a working group chair will be selected. The working groups are (with the person organizing the first call in parentheses) listed below.
If you want to join a working group, and are not already on the list that Jennifer will circulate, please contact the person organizing the first call and copy (cc) Lloyd Cotler at
Note: As the work of these groups progresses, we can post progress reports on the Madison Dialogue website so that others can follow their progress. Also, If You Were Not At The Jewelry Summit And Want To Join A Group, you can.
DIAMOND Product Chain (Estelle Levin and Amanda Stark, and
METALS Product Chain (Scott Cardiff, Scott Cardiff, Note: Scott will work closely with Cristina
Echavarría on this.
COLORED GEMSTONES Product Chain (Peggy Jo Donahue,
RECYCLED METALS (Jennifer Horning,
As discussed at the meeting, we will seek to draft a set of overarching or guiding principles, working from the current principles that are the basis for efforts like ARM, DDI, CRJP, etc. Please let Steve D’Esposito ( know if you want to be on this working group.
Once each group has completed its objectives, issues list, and work-plan, that will also be circulated.