A Jeweltree Foundation Project: Future Hope Diamond Mining Ltd
By Mike Angenent
In November 2009 we visited a mining tailing in Kimberley South Africa where “illegal mining” was taking place. The people tried to make a living sifting through the gravel, hoping for a lucky find.
Since the tailing was not their property (but De Beers’) “mining” there is illegal.
There had been positive negotiations with De Beers years ago which resulted in the “miners” getting training and help with the establishing of a company, Future Hope Diamond Mining ltd.
Change in management, unforeseen circumstances and skeptical local miners created conditions which resulted in negotiations that had such positive potential, but in the end they resulted in to nothing.
After our visit, we tried to persuade some companies to purchase the tailing and set up a community mining program that would benefit the miners. The economic situation or inexperience of the companies with projects in SA made it difficult to proceed further.
Finally we wrote a letter to De Beers’ Chairman and (surprisingly) received a positive signal. Now the miners are again negotiating with De Beers and the company has decided to give 1/3rd of the tailing to the local community.
You can read more in this pdf
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